Master's Transportation

Preparing Colleges for What's Ahead

Preparing Colleges for What’s Ahead

njcaa college transportation webinar2

As colleges and universities across the country adapt to the impacts that COVID-19 is having on athletic programs, Master’s Transportation is using its knowledge and experience to serve as their ongoing guide in all aspects of transportation acquisition and planning.

In February of 2021, the company’s Vice President, Ron Haley, hosted a webinar in conjunction with the NJCAA (National Junior College Athletic Association) to advise colleges on what they can expect in the coming year, and how they can position themselves now to acquire cost-effective transportation solutions.

The content of the webinar offers unique insights that would be beneficial for:

  • Athletic Directors
  • Coaches
  • Presidents
  • Senior Administrators
  • Athletic Department Staff

Topics discussed within the webinar include:

  • Master’s Transportation’s services
  • Adjusting to added transportation needs
  • Flexible and cost-effective options
  • Getting vehicles delivered directly to you
  • Preparing schools for transportation success

View the webinar below, and contact Master’s Transportation if your college is in need of transportation solutions for the coming year: